Saturday, 3 March 2012


This Task asks us to utilize Photoshop in order to copy an advert for a CD cover. I chose to copy the new Cream Club Anthems 2012 advert.

The Copy.

Although Copying the "Cream", HMV and NewState Music signs, the shade, the writing and the background have all been done with the tools provided by Photoshop.

The Original.


               Investigate how important the print advert is the promotion of the film.

Print advert is advertising by means of printed media such as newspapers, magazines and posters. It is one of the oldest ways of promotion and most of our older relatives use and accept only this way of promotion. Nowadays the print media still reaches a lot of people:

The (Japanese) Yomiuri Shimbun - Most selling newspaper with around 14,067,000 circulations

I think that this type of media is still very popular as this old, easy and cheap way of informing the masses is widely used around the world. It still has a large influence on people, but the convergence with the internet and the widened use of the computer and smartphones which can access the internet provide large difficulties to newspaper firms which basically survive on this business. The only way print media tries to evade this is by providing more information on the non-digital newspaper and promotes it's healthier and greater overview assets.

Print advert is one of the oldest ways of promotion; most of our grandparents use and accept only this way of promotion. This advertising use printed media such as a magazine, newspaper. I think it is very important that old and the most easy and cheap way of promotion should stay and it is one way of promotion which is the most healthiest you don’t look at the screen you just see it in somewhere and you know about the product there is economy of time as well nowadays it is very important.

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