Tuesday, 20 September 2011

6.Research similar videos to the one you want to create. Each member of the group should do a full textual analysis of at least 2 videos (cinematography, editing, sound and mise-en-scene).


At the start we hear rocky classic theme as a sound bridge, our main charecter is running in the place where trains goes, towards the camera then he runs by and camera is moving towards his back. Than his running moving to a small, but crowdy street he continues to run towards the camera and camera is moving backwards it is mid shot, then they show it as a close up. than he runs on the simple road the same like on the street (mid shot after close up. In next shot we can see him punching a speed bag (close up). Than doing push ups on one hand mid shot. After coach strikes rocky wih medicine ball on his abs (mid shot), then he does crunches (mid shot). On next shot he hits cows meat as a punching bag (mid shot) after they show again shot where he does push ups mid shot and than close up, than he finishes push up he spekes with his coach (shot/reverse shot). On the next shot he runs on the road next to the sea (far shot). Than he runs on stairs (360) camera moves around showing his back (mid shot) than it moves to his front (mid shot). Than camera moves up towars him and shows his close up in slow motion.

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